Student Developer: Aman V. Singh
Organisation - OWASP Foundation
Project - SecureTea-Project
Mentors - Rejah Rahim & adeyosemanputra
GSoC Project - SecureTea - Improvement in Features
The OWASP SecureTea Project focuses on providing a one-stop security solution for various devices (personal computers / servers / IoT devices).
The project has these features:
Intrusion Detection System
Server Log Monitor
System Log Monitor
Local Web Deface Detection & Prevention System
Auto Web Server Patcher
IoT Anonymity checker
Auto report generation using OSINT
Notifying suspicious activities using various mediums (Twitter, Telegram, Slack, Gmail, SMS, AWS & more)
Interactive GUI for ease of setting up
History Logger
GUI with authentication for Enterprise networks
Social Engineering
Eligibility traces based method for automatic blacklisting of ip addresses
Tasks Proposed in Proposal:-
Add Web Application Firewall Feature
Improve features (IDS, Firewall)
Complete the web GUI and remote monitoring
Zero bugs - Fix the currently identified bugs
Improve Detecting Website Defacements Based on Machine Learning Techniques and Attack Signatures
WhatsApp Integration
Added Whatsapp for remote monitoring and Notifications.
Whatsapp Integration using Twilio WhatsApp sandbox.
Wrote Unit Testing Modules for Whatsapp Integration.
Documentation for usage of Module.
Improvement in Network Intrution Detection Feature
Add new R2L attack detection modules to IDS
Added DNS Amplification detection and test modules.
Added BGP Abuse detection and test modules.
Signature Based Defacement detector
The signature-based detection is fast and efficient for known attacks, and therefore it is used to improve the processing speed for common types of known defacement attacks.
The attack signatures are manually extracted from defaced web pages.We manually review the HTML code of each defaced web page to find patterns that commonly appear in defaced pages to construct the list of attack signatures. The attack signatures are stored and can be updated when new defaced pages are detected.
Improve Detecting Website Defacements Based on Machine Learning Techniques
This web defacement detection model will work for static as well as dynamic Webpages (The current version of the feature is only for static pages as it compares the hash changes). This model has 3 ways to detect defacement in consecutive order:-
Detection based on the change in the hash of external files(CSS, js, images, etc) used in the webpage.
Detection based on Attack signature(This data would accumulate from previous incidents of defacement).
Detection using machine learning(Using Random Forest Algorithm)
The steps to achieve this task were be:-
Collecting Attack Signatures from defacement incidents.
Building the dataset of defaced website and using the 2-gram method and then vectorized using the term frequency (TF) method.
Traning the model using defaced and non-deface datasets using Random Forest Algorithm.
Integrating the model with the project and other techniques.
Wrtiting unit test modules
Add Web Application Firewall Feature to the Web Interface(GUI)
WAF can be run from the GUI web interface from now.
Zero bugs - Fixed the identified bugs
SweetAlert Node Module Error
Fix for NetfilterQueue Issue
Workflow Fix
Fix for socketio error
Bug Fix
Repaired the broken WorkFlow
Refactored Code
Few Bug Fixes and Code Refactoring
I have experience with React, Nodejs, and Python while building my projects and during Internships.