BlockChain Implementation in Javascript Language along with the implementation of OOPs Concepts. A Decentralised network and Secure system to demonstrate the Working of blockchain.

Block Explorer

The Structure of the blockchain is : -

Blockchain class

class BlockChain { constructor() { this.chain = []; this.pendingTransactions = []; this.currentNodeUrl = currentNodeUrl; this.networkNodes = [ ... //List of all the nodes in the network...]; this.createNewBlock(100, '0', '0'); //Genesis Block } createNewBlock(nonce, previousBlockHash, hash) { const newBlock = { index: this.chain.length + 1, timestamp:, transactions: this.pendingTransactions, nonce: nonce, hash: hash, previousBlockHash: previousBlockHash }; this.pendingTransactions = []; this.chain.push(newBlock); return newBlock; } //Other Functions(Features) }

Features and functions

The features that are added to the blockchain class:-

  • A proof of work algorithm to secure the network.

The proof-of-work is a mechanism for reaching global consensus on the valid blockchain: since all nodes have a copy of the blockchain, each node must agree on the conditions that prove how much effort a node has spent on verifying transactions.

To make the calculation difficult, every identification code must start with 0000 (four zeros). To do this we have to add a new field called NONCE.

proofOfWork(previousBlockHash, currentBlockData) { let nonce = 0; let hash = this.hashBlock(previousBlockHash, currentBlockData, nonce); while (hash.substring(0, 4) !== '0000') { nonce++; hash = this.hashBlock(previousBlockHash, currentBlockData, nonce); } return nonce; }

  • Hashing algorithms to secure the data within the blockchain.

  • The ability to mine (create) new blocks that contain data.

  • The ability to create transactions and store them in blocks.

  • An API/server that will be used to interact with the blockchain from the internet.

  • It will be hosted on a decentralized blockchain network.

  • A consensus algorithms to verify that the network nodes have valid data and are synchronized.

  • A broadcasting system to keep the data in the blockchain network synchronized.

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I have experience with React, Nodejs, and Python while building my projects and during Internships.