CTFs-A road to learn CyberSecurity

Posted on 17 January, 2022

CTFs- are a game where people put their skills to decode, decrypt, decipher some given Challenges and extract a flag. A flag is a string that is the answer to the given challenge.

There are some Common Challenge Types –

  • Cryptography — Usually involves decrypting or encrypting a piece of data

  • Steganography — Involves finding information hidden in files or images

  • Binary — Reverse engineering or exploiting a binary file

  • Web Exploitation — Exploiting web pages to find the flag

  • Pwn — Exploiting a server to find the flag.

The best OS for hacking is Kali-Linux because it has many in-built hacking tools. You can also use Ubuntu for hacking, but you have to install many tools yourself.

In order to solve CTF challenges, you need to have basic programming skills and creative problem-solving skills. Other than this you need to Scavenge the whole internet in order to find methods to find solve the challenge.